Friday, June 1, 2007

More family pictures.

Luna taking a break from chewing everything. Phew!

She's dragging off Gimli's newest toy.

Daddy says I'm such and angel. He won't mind if I ruin the drip system he put in.

A rare picture of our kitty cattus. She's wondering why the new dog is so freaky. Chloe is the oldest critter of the household.

The adorable duo!

Gimli helping me watch the terror monster.

Even mister Gim get's tired from babysitting.

I'm an angel!


Unknown said...

Mmm, drip system components... I chew on them myself, from time to time, but usually only when I need to change the emitter out.

Thanks for the pics. How about one of the puppy with some background? I want to see how your yard is progressing. :)
