Thursday, January 15, 2009

A painting of hope

This is a mixed media piece on 10" x 20" canvas, based on my favorite quote:

"You don't have to stay anywhere forever"
- Edwin Payne

I was trying to convey what the quote meant to me. Although your
houses (the meaning) may be different than mine, I think we all have
times when we feel like this.

As a realist, this type of art is completely foreign to me, because I
usually see something and replicate it. I often tell my friends and
family that I can replicate, but I can't create! This was fun and a
lot less stressful than my normal pieces of art, since I was able to
be expressive rather than analytical and precise.

This was the first time I've done a mixed media piece. I felt like a
little kid cutting out paper. :) Also, it took a lot less time than a
pencil drawing; a definite bonus, since I often find drawing a
daunting task.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! andrea, this is so wonderful. words aren't enough right now. i just feel such a deep joy for you and from the painting itself. your use of light and shadow, the words, the message, the you're moving, girl. i hope you make more time to just play like this. and, i have the same little girl feelings when i do mixed media, too. it's so nice.

beaming with glee for my friend! yes! ♥

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