Friday, January 11, 2008

Puppy applique wip

This is the beginnings of another baby quilt. I plan to make 20 different panels (19 more to go) of varying puppies. The pattern is a drawing I made loosely based on my cattle dogs. The diamond is a Bentley mark. Hand appliquéd and embroidered.

I finally started taking down the Christmas ornaments today. I miss the ambient lighting from the tree.


Kim said...

Me too! That's why I like to have a Valentine's tree--and I've left up a few other strands of lights around the house. It's much more cheerful! Yes, I think you do need a Valentine's tree!

Hoffrooe said...

I love this applique. The fabric is wonderful and the pattern itself is really cute. I especially appreciate that you drew it out yourself.

I also agree about the christmas tree lights. Every year I pledge to do something about it, maybe I will this year!