Monday, April 16, 2007

more garden pictures



Verbena 'Quartz mango'

Gimli has conquered the clay soil.

jasminum stephanense

another geranium

Marguerite daisy 'twinkle' lavender

Osteospermum nuanza purple/copper. Sooooo pretty!

Check out the size of my hollyhocks. They're almost to the top of the 6' fence. I have 3 this size.

Buchanan's fucshia sage. Fuzzy wuzzy :)

Chocolate cosmos. This smells divine!

French marigold

Heuchera 'Dolce peach melba'. Such a gorgeous plant. The camera doesn't do it justice.


Unknown said...

You have some nice flowers. I'm a little jealous - hopefully my sunflowers will turn out half as purdy.

How about some wider-angle shots of a whole flowerbed? I'd like to see more context... :)


Andrea said...

I will take one for you in a few months when it's all filled in :) most of it is chunks of clay soil. Really not purdy! Where are your pictures? Do you have tomatoes yet? I went crazy and planted 6 already this year and I have about 8 more to plant.